Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ambiotic Stem Cells Not a Replacement for Embryonic Ones: Religious Right to Blame for the Deception?

Two days ago I posted information regarding a new source of stem cells that held the potential to make embryotic stem cells unnecessary. It looks like it was all one big lie.

Anthony Atala, the scientist from Wake University who discovered the amniotic stem cells told Congress today that they should not consider his work an alternative to embryotic stem cell research. "Some may be interpreting my research as a substitute for the need to pursue other forms of regenerative medicine therapies, such as those involving embryonic stem cells. I disagree with that assertion," Atala said (source:

It seems the mainstream media was mislead by individuals and organization who distorted Atala's findings to try and prevent embryonic stem cell research. What organizations took part in this deception? You won't be surprised: Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, both fundamentalist Christian organizations. Once again, fundamentalist Christians prove they are dirty liars when trying to get their way. How can so many adults put their support behind organizations that have the honor of a greedy child? It boggles my mind.

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