Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Correction: Park Rangers Not Required to Say "No Comment"

It seems that PEER has been dishonest about their report that park rangers at the Grand Canyon were required to say "no comment" when asked about the age of the canyon. Apparently, that was never the case at all.

What is true is that the visitor's center is still selling a Young-Earth Creationist book concerning the formation of the Grand Canyon, which is unconstitutional by National Park regulations. Furthermore, political appointees in charge of the National Park Service have dragged their feet for three years over reviewing the sale of the book. The truth ends there.

It seems that PEER was being sensationalist in respect to the "no comment" claims in order to inflame opinions. No employees of the park have been required to say no comment. PEER, shame on you for being dishonest and sensationalist.

Read more at Bad Astronomy Blog.

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