Saturday, March 24, 2007

Former Senator Santorum Hates Freedom

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review has a rather troubling interview with former Republican Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania. It seems the man is going through a severe case of denial. I guess that's understandable when you lose the popularity contest that is an election. Here's the first bit of craziness:

"I still believe that this country is a center-right country and not like Europe which is left or center-left," he said during a telephone conversation on Monday. "And the Republican Party still by and large is the majority party."
Riiiiight. Notice how he used the word "believe". So instead of actually looking at the data of the last election--which is available, I promise--he chooses to believe that everyone still unconditionally loves the Republican Party. What a nice, comforting fantasy. So why does he think the Democrats won in 2006?
"It's the war, it's the war, it's the war," he said. "We have an obligation to be more honest with the American public about the nature of the enemy we fight and the gravity of the fight that we have." He says "terrorist" is a euphemism.

"Why don't we say who they really are?" he asks. "They are Islamic fascists. This is a war against a strain of Islam which is not a fringe radical strain but a substantial strain of Islam."

Okay, that's perhaps a little more grounded in reality. The hatred against America is very real in the Middle East, but it seems likely the war in Iraq has only made it worse. However, when Mr. Santorum calls Islamic fundamentalists "fascists", I don't think he realizes his extreme hypocrisy when he says the next statement:
"I have real concerns about the libertarianish-right," Santorum says. "They depart from me on issues that I think are foundational, which is traditional moral values." Those values hold together the American family, he says.
I see. So instead of submitting to Islamic fascists, Americans need to submit to Christian fascists who want to have complete control over what consenting adults do in their private life. Family values/traditional values/'s really all the same thing. It's a way of making people adhere to a strict doctrine regardless of what the Constitution says.

I'm really glad voters decided to take this asshat's job away. He needed a bit of a reality check (unfortunately, it didn't seem to work). If this country has any "traditional values" then they are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Not the government intruding on its citizens' private lives and forcing them to a religion's particular view on human relationships. Keep it in the church where it belongs.

Mr. Santorum, why do you hate freedom?


vjack said...

This guy is a major tool. Getting him out of office was great and suggests that the American people do not have infinite patience with this sort of nonsense. I'll take progressive values over his conservative Christian values any day.

Anonymous said...

As a fellow Pencil Tuckian I can rejoice that the person whose name is said (by other conservatives, even) to be Pennsylvanian for "Asshole" is gone... for now. Of course, he didn't really live in Pennsylvania, just had some property here.

This type of person LOVES freedom, LOVES the 'American Way'. The thing is, they want these things on paper where the commonality won't get using them, sullying their purity, using them in ways not approved by the people actually fitted to enjoy them. Besides, if they stay safely on paper, these things can be controlled and even used for the advantage of those in power.

But, the thing about 'Believers' is that they lie. They lie to themselves, they lie to others, and they believe that a steadfast refusal to address reality will always see them through. And so it often does because the people around them who can't afford such a view have got to scratch gravel to keep things from going down the tubes. Then they lie and say, "With god's help it all turned out."

Anonymous said...

Hey J-Bar,
Long time, no see.

Talk To Action ran this yesterday: “Santorum’s Filmmaking Jihad Against the Left”
The newspaper reported that Santorum first project “would explore the relationship between radical Islam and the radical leftists in various countries around the world, including Latin America. It would be about an hour in length. The second would be a longer, broader documentary that he said would aim to ‘change the culture of America.’ He declined to go into specifics about the proposal.”
